Carterknowle Junior School

  1. Curriculum
  2. National Curriculum & RE

National Curriculum & RE

At Carterknowle Junior School we are aiming for our curriculum to be exceptional.  Bespoke projects for every year group teach the national curriculum subjects progressively in an interesting, rich and creative way.  These provide our children with engaging, meaningful learning experiences, which both inspire and challenge them.

The curriculum builds sequentially on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points.  It is differentiated appropriately, so that all children can succeed. As well as covering the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum and RE, it includes other experiences and opportunities which meet the learning and developmental needs of the pupils in our school.  Trips and visits give children context for their learning and real life experiences to spark their interest in every project.  Once a year, each year group goes on a trip which has a residential option.  Everyone goes along to benefit from the experience, with those who wish to, staying overnight and others returning to school.

Interwoven through our curriculum is children’s personal development, especially the development of aspiration and citizenship, as we are ambitious for all our children to succeed in every way. This includes the promotion of, preparation for and appreciation of life in modern Britain through equipping pupils with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to be able to function in a diverse society. Our curriculum enables children to have the skills to be successful, independent and motivated learners in readiness for their next stage of education, as well as being responsible members of their community.

Further information can be found from the reading and writing, maths and year group curriculum pages, the class newsletters or by visiting the school. Parents and carers are invited to participate in a variety of curriculum events through the year – please see the calendar page.

As a maintained school we have, by law, to deliver the National Curriculum.  Our subject leaders have worked hard to develop sensible and logical sequences of learning for each subject.  These provide a coherent and interesting programme of study for each subject, which ensure progress towards intended end points.  These sequences of learning help teachers to plan a well-constructed curriculum which leads to excellent results.  Children’s work is of a consistently high quality across the curriculum.  We work with outside providers, such as Sheffield Music Hub, in order to enhance our delivery of the National Curriculum.

Religious Education (RE) is not a national curriculum subject, however the school is required to deliver the locally agreed syllabus for RE.  The RE curriculum is enhanced through visits to places of worship, celebrations of religious festivals and observance of religious seasons and events. 

 Art - Carterknowle Sequence of Learning July 2023.docxDownload
 Art - Overview - 2023-24.docxDownload
 Computing Curriculum.pdfDownload
 Computing Overview.pdfDownload
 Computing Sequence of Learning.pdfDownload
 DT and Food Tech Overview.pdfDownload
 DT Sequence of Learning.pdfDownload
 Food-Technology Sequence of Learning.pdfDownload
 French Overview.pdfDownload
 French Sequence of Learning.pdfDownload
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 PE Overview 2023-24.pdfDownload
 PE- Carterknowle Sequence of Learning.pdfDownload
 PSHE Overview.pdfDownload
 PSHE Sequence of Learning.pdfDownload
 RE- End of LKS2 and UKS2 outcomes 2024 25.pdfDownload
 RE- Overview 2024-25.pdfDownload
 Sheffield Agreed Syllabus for RE 2024-2029.pdfDownload
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